Our Employees
Our employees are important internal stakeholders. They help us realize the benefits of environmental efficiencies, as well as identify and implement innovative solutions.
Shipyard Employee Engagement & Awareness:
We conduct toolbox talks, distribute environmental awareness memorandums, and maintain an internal EMS intranet web site to communicate key environmental issues to our employees. This can include anti-idling awareness from our diesel mobile equipment, energy conservation measures we implement, and waste management and recycling best practices, among others.
Marine Employee Engagement & Awareness:
We conduct vessel visits to communicate with our mariners about environmental issues such as fuel conservation and emission reduction awareness, on-board energy conservation measures, impacts of oil on the marine environment, and waste generation and recycling expectations, among others.

Our External Stakeholders
Our External Stakeholders are key to strengthening our environmental strategies and priorities:
- Customers, suppliers, Port Authorities
- Federal, Provincial, and Local Government Regulators
- First Nations Groups in the areas we operate
- Trades training & Institution Partnerships
- Numerous community partnerships & industry working groups

Customer Feedback
As part of our certified ISO 9001 Quality Management System, our shipyard customers complete a performance evaluation questionnaire following all repair work on our shipyards – we include an environmental performance question to get feedback on how we are doing.