Tariff No. 52 Effective January 1, 2025

SFC Tariff No. 52

Visit the below link to find our calculator to receive a shipping estimate.

Rate Calculator

ERC surcharge is currently 17.1%

The Energy Recapture Charge (ERC) will be assessed and adjusted on a regular basis.  The ERC is based on a basket of energy sources including LNG, RNG, marine diesel, biofuel, and electricity, where the mix of energy costs will be compared to the previous period and adjustment to ERC made accordingly.

Once changed, the ERC will be advised to customers in the current month and be effective from the first day of the following month.

You can find our Bill of Lading Terms & conditions in the following link (PDF):

Bill Of Lading Terms & Conditions

Drop Off and Safe Operating Procedures

  • Customer creates a BOL# in TOPs prior to the auto(s) arrival at the in gate
  • Arrival at the in gate – driver provides the BOL# to the CSOC using the intercom
  • CSOC answers the intercom, opens the BOL# in TOPs and confirms BOL details
    • request the company name of the driver (used for sign in)
    • request the driver park in the assigned lane based on sailing destination
  • Driver will walk the keys to the key window using the marked walking path
    • complete a key tag at the window to include:
      1. last 6 of the VIN number
      2. BOL Numbers
      3. Make, Model, Color
      4. Destination
      5. Customer name (who is the vehicle for and provide a contact information)
      6. Provide the keys to the CSOC via the window
  • Driver walks back to the visitor parking located in the employee parking area using
    the marked walking path
  • If multiple autos are being dropped off at the same time, for the same customer, with the same destination, the first driver at the gate will advise the CSOC using the intercom how many autos. The gate will be kept open for all to arrive through the gate, and park in lane instructed (this is not necessarily the same lane and must be communicated to the other drivers by the first driver that was instructed at the intercom
    • If the autos have different destinations, the first driver must advise the CSOC via the intercom to request the lane number for the alternate route and advise the drivers accordingly
  • When keys are being dropped off at the key window, the key tags are completed (above) and you must provide the BOL# to the CSOC to sign in the auto
  • Customer creates a BOL# in TOPs prior to the auto(s) arrival at the in gate
  • Using in gate #5, pull forward allowing enough room to offload the vehicles
  • Back up to the loose car parking entrance gate and provide the BOL# to the CSOC
    using the intercom
  • CSOC answers the intercom, opens the BOL# in TOPs and confirms BOL details
    • request the company name of the driver (used for sign in)
    • request the driver park in the assigned lane based on sailing destination
  • Driver will walk the keys to the key window using the marked walking path
    • complete a key tag at the window to include:
      1. last 6 of the VIN number
      2. BOL Numbers
      3. Make, Model, Color
      4. Destination
      5. Customer name (who is the vehicle for and provide a contact information)
      6. Provide the keys to the CSOC via the window
  • Driver walks back to the truck parked in lane #5, the CSOC will open the gate
  • Driver will driver down lane 1 or 2, up lane 3 to the exit gate

Please watch the video below or visit https://tilbury.loci.ca/ for instruction regarding safe operating procedures at our Tilbury terminal.


Seaspan Ferries Corporation offers credit terms, subject to minimum volume requirements and a satisfactory credit history. Applications are accepted using the Credit Application and Agreement form.

Intent to Claim Damages

If your driver notices a damage to the unit he/she is picking up they must note and complete on their pre/post trip document indicating the following before leaving the terminal.

All landing leg issues must be reported before leaving terminal, failure to do so may result in any potential claim denial.

The Intent to Claim Damage Form below must be submitted within 3 business days of the unit concerned arriving to our terminal.

"*" indicates required fields

All fields are required for proper processing of the claim.

Contact Person



Pickup Date*
Pickup Time*
Please use 24-hour time
e.g. Pictures, Inspection Report.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 50 MB.

    About Move Requests


    As Seaspan Ferries receives many charitable move requests each year, all requests must meet certain criteria. Please limit requests to a maximum of 4 round trips per year for any one organization.

    Guidelines and eligibility criteria

    • In-kind contribution in the form of marine transportation to and/or from SFC existing terminals
    • Registered as a Canadian not-for-profit organization beneficial to communities within British Columbia
    • Programs or organizations that provide direct community benefit
    • Application is required a minimum of 10 days in advance of the requested date of transportation
    • All approved moves will have the transport date and time scheduled at SFC’s discretion

    Seaspan Ferries does not support the following:

    • Organizations that discriminate by race, gender, sexual orientation or religion
    • Political Parties, associations and representatives of advocacy/special interest groups
    • Cultural projects in association with film, art, music or theater sponsorship
    • Religious causes that do not serve the general public on a non-denominational basis
    • Fraternities, lodges, Toastmaster societies, and other recreational or self-improvement organizations
    • Conferences, seminars and workshops

    Seaspan Ferries Corporation Welcomes All Sponsorship/Charitable Move Requests

    Bill of Lading Terms & Conditions